The ventral root has motor (efferent) fibers that transmit messages from the central nervous system to the effectors, with the cell bodies of the efferent fibers found in the spinal cord gray matter. The 31 pairs of spinal nerves emanate from different areas of the spinal cord and each spinal nerve has a ventral root and a dorsal root. In humans, there are 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves. The somatic nervous system consists of efferent nerves responsible for sending brain signals for muscle contraction.

The somatic nervous system processes sensory information and controls all voluntary muscular systems within the body, with the exception of reflex arcs.

The somatic nervous system includes all the neurons connected with muscles, skin, and sense organs. The somatic nervous system consists of cranial and spinal nerves that innervate skeletal muscle tissue and are more under voluntary control (Anissimov 2006 Towle 1989), as well as the sensory receptors. It consists of nerves in cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and exocrine and endocrine glands. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for maintenance functions ( metabolism, cardiovascular activity, temperature regulation, digestion) that have a reputation for being outside of conscious control. The somatic nervous system is one of two subsystems of the peripheral nervous system, the other being the autonomic nervous system. It is the somatic nervous system that allows individuals to receive sensory information and consciously react to environmental changes. This continuous interaction between an organism and its environment is needed for the organism to survive and grow. Every living thing interacts with other organisms and its environment.