Random Crystal - May contain a hero's Strength, Agility, or Intelligence Crystal.Random Crystals and Random Insignia drop the related items: Radiant Crystals - Needed to clear the remaining nodes of levels 4 to 5.Vibrant Crystals - Needed until clearing the 2nd node of level 4.(Normal) Crystals - Needed until clearing the 6th node of level 2.Radiant Strength Crystal - Pour, blood of Ader, pour! Feed the ground, drop by drop!.Vibrant Strength Crystal - So great! So mighty! Your power should be enough for the whole world!.Strength Crystal - The might you once enjoyed is no more, but you might try gathering its fragments.Radiant Intelligence Crystal - Salfara's tears turned to stone.Vibrant Intelligence Crystal - No longer wishing to lament your woes, you are ready to proceed, to fight, to win.Intelligence Crystal - And as the skies uncover their secrets, they spill their tears down onto the ground.
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Radiant Agility Crystal - You're full of life, Verro.Vibrant Agility Crystal - Jump! Dive! Throw! Repeat! To win, you must go forth!.Agility Crystal - Life! All around me! All is comprised of life!.Greater Insignia - Needed for the remaining nodes of levels 4 to 5.Ĭrystals are used to ascend your Heroes based on their main stat:.(Normal) Insignia - Needed from level 3 onwards until the 2nd node of level 4.The only cause of its performance is you. Greater Valor Insignia - There's no such thing as a poor weapon.Valor Insignia - It was all for naught, Bran.Greater Resilience Insignia - Fight to the bitter end, and you shall greet many a dawn in your long life.Resilience Insignia - You're no longer a slave, Enzo Sondi.And yet with no one to support you, honor won't help you much. Greater Kindness Insignia - When everything is lost, there's nothing left but honor.Kindness Insignia - You're the only one who never left me, Octaviana, unafraid of the Dark.Greater Composure Insignia - Death is the loss of focus.Composure Insignia - Fly and outrun time itself, White Flame of Ringrin!.Greater Wisdom Insignia - Magic is everywhere.Wisdom Insignia - Spin the web of the world, Xenxezi.Greater Love Insignia - The path of the healer is one full of pitfalls and daily discoveries!.Love Insignia - Jhana Samun, not the Mad, but the Great!.Greater Willpower Insignia - Through desire to control the lives of others, you lose control over your own fate.Willpower Insignia - Up against your own, K'shai Celgro? Think you're a god now?.Insignia are used to ascend your Heroes based on their primary role: